About Tiyana

TiYana is a graduate from The University of Alabama who has received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. TiYana is a graphic designer who enjoys experimenting with color, shape and type, and has a knack for visual brand identity and logo design. During her time at The University of Alabama, she perfected her craft in branding, publication, web design, and social media design. She sees every project as an opportunity to challenge herself and learn new techniques.

Contact emails

tiyanayoung@yahoo.com & tlyoung3@crimson.ua.edu

I wanted to create a brand for myself named “Designs by TiYana” dedicated to my passion of graphic design. Creating a brand identity for myself was not easy, but it was an enjoyable experience getting to completely rebrand myself and have it out there for the world to enjoy. The logo consists of a mouse key and has the etching of “D” and “T”. I chose a sans-serif font because of its versatility and classic look.